World Book Day on Thurs 6th with dressing up on Friday 7th. Minack swimming on Wednesdays and Tintagel on Fridays. The pond is filling up thanks to all the rain! Click on the 'Projects' box to see the latest projects in school.

Friends of the School

Who are we?
Friends of Indian Queens school is a registered charity (no. 1164962) established in 2015. All parents of children at Indian Queens School & Nursery are automatically members of our FOIQS and we work alongside the school to organise and run fundraising events for the school community.
We pride ourselves on being approachable and being part of the Indian Queens community.
What is our aim?
Our aim is to use the funds raised to enhance the experiences of every child in the school, from improving sporting facilities to extending the range and access pupils have to excellent reading material. All funds are spent either directly or indirectly on the children adding to their experience at school.
Our goal is to bring families together in support of our children, school and community and we have a calendar of events lined up which will be fun for everyone as well as raising money for the school.
Interested in joining us?
We really could not do any of the activities to raise funds without the support of our FOIQS members and volunteers. Being part of our friendly team is very rewarding as well as a great way to meet other parents and have fun being involved in our fundraising events.
You may only wish to be involved with one event throughout the year or just come along to find out what is coming up. We welcome any ideas you may have for fundraising events or activities and suggestions on ways to spend money raised. Attending meetings isn't compulsory; you may wish to be a ‘friend of the friends’ and help out at events as and when you can. If you are interested in joining please get in touch and we will keep you up to date on upcoming events.
How to contact us
We can be contacted via email at or via Facebook
Alternatively if you prefer contact by telephone, please leave a message and a telephone number with the school office (01726 860540) and we will get in touch promptly.

Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Indian Queens Primary School & Nursery. All rights reserved. 2025